Woman in Business Inc, is excited to announce our 3rd Annual online Scholarship Auction!
Over the last 30+ years, Woman in Business has awarded over $60,000 to over 100 well-deserving high school seniors from our community schools to help support their continuing education. This year WIB will award four $500 Scholarships in addition to the Judith A. Jaeger Memorial Scholarship, which comes with a $1,000 award, and is presented to the top candidate by the family of WIB Founder Judith Jaeger, in her memory.
In 2021 we introduced our first online Auction with great success and the help of our local business partners & friends who donate the wonderful auction items.
A special THNAK YOU to all our local business partners, members, and friends who help make this special fundraiser a popular and successful event. We appreciate your generosity & support!
LET’S DO THIS TOGETHER – Every auction dollar you spend goes directly to our cause!
~Happy Bidding~